martes, 15 de junio de 2010


Hoxe déixobos a canción "Sick of Love" é dicir a que aparece na cabeceira de "El club del Chiste" o programa de Antena 3 no que todas as noites nos contan algún chiste antes de ir dormir. Non é que me guste moito nin o programa nin a canción, pero a verdade é que recoñecezo que hai algún chiste bo e que a canción é pegadiza, a pesar de ser un pseudorap, que é un xénero musical que aborrezo por completo.
Por certo, o autor é Robert Ramírez.
Agardo que vos guste.

I’ve been alone
Waiting at home
I’ve got not feel the air no more
Sick of love
My heart is sick of love
I even know
If getting worst
I turn off the radio
Sick of love
My ear is sick of love
I cannot find
I’m more than blind
Everything I think is wrong
Sick of love
My mind is sick of love
Who is blamed
With their flame
You can't trust me anymore
Sick of love
We are all sick of love
I'm gonna fly tonight
I'm taking you
Don't be afraid
I am your Superman
I'll bring a box
With sugar To put you in

Let’s dance again
The evil game (BIS)
I’m gonna fly...
I´m gonna fly...
I’m gonna fly...
I’m here alone
Waiting at home
I’ve got not feel the air no more
Sick of love
My heart is sick of love
I even know
If getting worst
I turn off the radio
Sick of love
My ear is sick of love
I cannot find
I’m more than blind
Everything I think is wrong
Sick of love

My mind is sick of love
Who is blamed
With my flame
You can't trust me anymore
Sick of love
We are all sick of love
Just feel the music

Don’t feel the pain
We are in a river
We are all inside
It’s getting better

It’s not a game
You want to live it,
you want
You must forget(Chorus)
Let’s dance...
Im gonna fly...
I’m taking you...
(BIS x 4)Sick of love!

A letra aqui

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